Apple Music vs. Spotify, the good and the annoying

Apple Music vs. Spotify

This is an ongoing list of annoyances and awesomeness when comparing Apple Music to Spotify.

Last updated: August 29, 2023

Adding Tracks to Playlist

When you add a track to a playlist and to add another new track Apple offers the playlist you last added a track to as an option. Awesome.

Apple loves duplicates. Apple Music won't notify you if the track you are adding to a playlist is already in your playlist. Annoying.

Renaming a Playlist

All throughout Apple's Mac eco system we have been trained to right click on an object, select get info and be able to change properties of the object like the name. Not for Apple playlists. Annoying.

Listing of Song Titles

In search results on Apple Music the songs section is divided into three columns which truncates the song titles and hovering over the titles doesn't show the full title. A user would have to click the song title to view the entire title. Annoying.

Top Songs

When you click on an Artist's name from search and see their list of top songs what does the "+" symbol next to the song title do? Where is it adding it to? Hovering over the symbol doesn't help with deciphering the mystery. What I was expecting was a drop-down list of which playlist to add the track to. Also right clicking on the track name doesn't bring up any context menu. It's like yes you can do that here but not here. Annoying.

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